Monday, October 29, 2007

Edible plants are easy...

Success! About a month ago, I stopped by a local Green Thumb plant nursery to find out about which edible plants I could possibly grow on my balcony. The Green Thumb employee was helpful, had a lot practical insight into which plants would work for me and why. For example, he recommended lettuce plants that could be harvested leaf by leaf, instead of an entire head that I myself may not be able to consume before it goes bad. So I just casually pluck the outer leaves as I need them. All but the lemon tree is seasonal and will be devoured or die.

I ended up with the following:
One dwarf lemon tree, brown leaf lettuce, swiss chard, cauliflower, dill, rosemary, basil and a taxi tomato plant.

Besides pots, It was inexpensive. Most plants cost $2-3 and came in 6-packs so you could split them up amongst friends, neighbors... or strangers?

After the initial balcony shock and being re-potted, the plants really got busy with their photosynthesis and whatnot. Besides the traumatic air quality from the recent wildfires, they've been looking good enough to eat.

I water them daily, use a moisture meter to monitor their water needs and I'm following the Terracycle fertilizing plan every two weeks. Pesticides and herbicides used in the majority of our foods are damaging to our bodies, our environments and they're made from oil.

Terracycle produces an organic fertilizer that is made from organic waste and repackaged in used plastic soda bottles. The company has a zero carbon footprint and is setting an example for many other industries.
Recently, Scotts Company has sued and now settled Terracycle. Claiming that Terracycle's advertising and packaging infringed upon their own Miracle Grow. You can read what Terracycle had to say here. I believe Scotts Company had the intention to run Terracycle out of business or even force Terracycle into showing exactly how they produce their product with the hope of stealing it. Boycott Scotts Company!

All and all, it's been excellent. Spending time each day encouraging their healthy, organic growth and eating them alive at times has been one hell of a ride.

Written by, Evan T. Little

Realtor®, EcoBroker®
Volkl Investments Inc.
949.939.9687 phone

My other blogs:
Orange County, CA Community
Real Estate in Orange County, CA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog when I was looking up CSAs for Orange County. Awesome information I have added you to my regular reading list. And now I can't wait to try my hand at a balcony garden.